Get involved in the issues that matter to the future of New Zealand

A platform for your voice
When you become involved with the Institute, you can explore what interests you. And we welcome people from all walks of life. Our programme addresses issues that will have a lasting impact on our lives and future generations in New Zealand.
We offer a range of seminars and courses in different formats. Our Leadership Seminars, held in the beautiful retreat setting of Queenstown, run in parallel with on-going Topic Seminars. Our Evidence and Values Based Decision Making Course is tailored for groups, allowing flexible scheduling at a location convenient for participants. Through Aspen’s global network we present International Dialogues, bringing you high level discussion from leading authorities on questions that matter most.
We also keep you up to date with the latest curated view of global thinking on current issues. Visit our news section and join our mailing list for regular updates.
Upcoming events
Join us for the next session of the Sister Cities Challenges series, where Aspen and Queenstown continue their collaboration to address shared infrastructure challenges. This free online forum will explore critical issues in housing and urban planning, focusing on innovative approaches and practical solutions for both communities.
EVBDM is an immersive course for enhancing decision making skills using real-world evidence and stakeholder values. It equips participants with a simple framework, which provides a systematic approach for complex situations, to improve decision outcomes and mitigate the risk of costly bad decisions.
Ways to participate

Topic Seminars for focused thinking
Topic Seminars discuss New Zealand’s most challenging and complex problems. Expertly moderated, with small groups of participants from diverse sectors, Topic Seminars focus on current issues, that require a 360-degree perspective for a positive outcome.

Leadership Seminars for inspiration
Leadership Seminars develop our next generation of community-spirited leaders to explore their core values to meet complex challenges, and to lead with clarity and conviction. Leadership Seminars are not skills training, but expertly moderated, intensely interactive conversations, for a small group of outstanding participants.

Courses for enhancing strategic decision making
Our Evidence and Values Based Decision Making course offers a transformative approach to strategic decision making, equipping participants with tools to enhance personal and organisational decision making skills. Through a robust framework grounded in real-world evidence and personal values, participants gain the confidence to navigate complex challenges with clarity and conviction.

International Dialogues for global connectivity
In this series we present conversations on topical issues with experts of world repute and our International Partners, providing international perspectives on issues that impact New Zealand and the world.
Participants forge new relationships and those who take part in our courses, topic and leadership seminars join a vast professional network of alumni from around the world.
The Aspen Leadership Seminar experience
One method. Multiple formats. Infinite results.
Aspen Leadership Seminars start from a simple premise: the difficult decisions leaders make are moral, not technical. Leaders must understand the values that animate their decisions. Once you sharpen your own values, leading others then requires you to understand and forge alignment among diverse values systems. Our seminars meet participants where they are in their leadership journey and then guides them to the next level.