Support us
The support of New Zealanders like you is critical to our work. We welcome your contribution and participation.
Help us grow
As a values-based organisation our sole purpose is to leave a better life, a better world for generations ahead of us. Our children, our mokopuna, are our future.
We are independently funded from donations from individuals and organisations, and the proceeds from some of our activities. You can help us grow.
Join our network
The support of our donors is vital to sustaining our work. Contributions of any amount are welcome and we invite you to join us at our year-round Topic Forums, Leadership Seminars and Public Events.
We encourage you to get more involved by joining an engaged community, who both actively participate, and provide important financial support to help sustain our activities.
Our supporters - thank you
We would like to acknowledge the generosity of our Founding benefactors and supporters, who have been instrumental in our formation, and to our Te-kakano supporters, for their on-going support.
Founding benefactors: Tony and Shelly Malkin, Joan McPike.
Founding supporters: University of Otago, The Edgar Family, Lester and Christine Gray, The Hill Family, Hinrich Foundation, Dick and Diana Hubbard, Neil Jacobstein and Rona Silkiss, Leo and Robyn Lonergan, Michael McCombie, Roger and Christine Sharp, Richard Suhr and Kathleen Heather, Dr William and Marion Rolleston, Mark and Jane Taylor, Tom and Pauline Tusher of Blanket Bay.
Te Kākano supporters: Mark and Jane Taylor (Kauri), Biome Trust (Rata), Abby O’Neil and Carroll Joynes (Rata).