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Blog, Leadership, Trust Guest User Blog, Leadership, Trust Guest User

In Focus: Strengthening Trust

Trust is fundamental to a healthy society. Recent public opinion surveys show that our trust in each other, in many important institutions, and information has fractured.

There is a sense that those with differing perspectives can’t find common ground. We have lost trust in basic institutions—from media to government to education—that are meant to serve us, leaving many unsure of who to turn to for essential information.

The Aspen Institute is helping repair the structures that allow trust to flourish and looking for ways to build new ones.

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Blog, Ideas Pip Souness Blog, Ideas Pip Souness

Welcome to the November edition of 'The Lookout'

Welcome to The Lookout, bringing you a global perspective on issues that matter. In this edition, we put In Focus In Favour of Pure Science, the Aspen Institute's initiative on investigating and analysing the state of pure science globally. We think you will find the report and the ensuing symposium both engaging and thought-provoking, highlighting the importance of pure science in advancing civilisation.

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Blog Pip Souness Blog Pip Souness

In Favour of Pure Science

In Favour of Pure Science, a collaboration between the 14 international Aspen Partners, is the final report detailing pure science's global challenges and opportunities. The accompanying symposium was an engaging and thought-provoking discussion among the Partner representatives, including New Zealand's Professor Richard Blaikie.

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Blog, Ideas Pip Souness Blog, Ideas Pip Souness

Welcome to the October edition of 'The Lookout'

Welcome to the October edition of The Lookout, leading with the updated 'Principles of the Aspen Institute' , followed by the premiere of the Ukrainian Art Exhibition, Bird of War, Beast of Hope, a visual representation of the war and its devastating impact on Ukraine. Don’t miss the compelling report on how data has overtaken oil as one of the world's most valuable resources and why it is becoming an essential resource for governments in the geopolitical arena.

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Blog Pip Souness Blog Pip Souness

The Aspen Institute Statement of Principles

The Principles of the Aspen Institute have recently been reviewed and updated to reflect the modern environment we now operate within, and the modern challenges we face as a society. We are proud to share these updated Principles with our community.

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