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Empowering Economies: Key Takeaways from NZ - India Business Forum
New Zealand and India share a long-standing relationship, with significant opportunities to increase trade across sectors . The recent forum, Empowering Economies: A New Era of NZ-India Business Relations, bought experts from both nations together to explore how these opportunities can be leveraged for mutual growth. Hosted by the High Commission of India to New Zealand in Wellington, the discussion built on the NZ - India forums held by the Aspen Institute New Zealand, which focussed on how New Zealand can apply their skills and expertise to assist India, while also providing opportunities to strengthen and build long-term relationships between the two nations.
Arotake-Makariri - The Winter Review 2024
Welcome to Arotake-Makariri, our Winter Review, where we pause to reflect on the past six months and celebrate our Aspen NZ community. Many of you have participated in our seminars, online forums and courses, and have stayed engaged through The Lookout. Thank you for being an integral part of our journey - your support as donors and active participants is crucial in enabling the Aspen NZ programme to thrive.
A few highlights from the past six months: