Arotake-Raumati - The Summer Review 2024

Welcome to Arotake-Raumati, the Summer Review, where we reflect on our activities over the past six months. 

Thank you to all of our supporters who have participated in our seminars, courses and forums, and stayed connected with us through The Lookout. Here are a few highlights from the past six months:

  • Welcoming two new Directors to our board - Jo Coughlan and Sam Johnson

  • Delivering our second Evidence and Values Based Decision Making course to Members of Parliament

  • Supporting Aspen Alumni and staff with scholarships to Washington D.C. and Warsaw

  • Hosting live conversations with Aspen Ananta in India on Sustainable Food Futures, the University of Otago on AI,  and our inaugural Sister Cities forum on Winter Sports and Climate Change

We are looking forward to a busy 2025. We welcome everyone to take part in our events, and if you haven't already experienced an Aspen programme we invite you to join us next year. Our moderated forums and seminars ignite lively discussions among expert panellists, providing diverse perspectives in a civil, yet relaxed, setting. Aligned with the Aspen Institute's core principles, this approach delivers reliable content rooted in knowledge, facts, and broad viewpoints, to develop a deeper understanding of topics.

A great way to get a taste of the unique Aspen style of convening is to join one of our free online forums - next year we have several lined up in the first quarter. See below for more information...we hope to see you there!

Meri Kirihimete me ngā mihi o te tau hou!
Christine and the Aspen NZ team


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