Arotake-Makariri - The Winter Review 2023

Welcome to Arotake-Makariri, the Winter Review, where we take a moment to reflect on our activities and engagements of the past six months. We are grateful for your participation in our online seminars, in-person forums, and for staying connected through The Lookout.

A few highlights are: 

  • Aspen Summer Series on Geopolitical Challenges held in Queenstown during February and March 

  • Launch of Beyond Borders, our new YouTube and Podcast series

  • Live conversation with partner Aspen Germany, Diplomatic Dialogue with Ambassadors Menzenbach and Hawke

  • Online seminar with multi-sector engagement on AI, Social Media and Democratic Challenges 

We have an exciting lineup of events for the remainder of 2023.  We are joining forces with our partner, Ananta Aspen, to host a series of dialogues on geopolitics in the Indo Pacific. Join us online, for the first NZ-India Forum on 28 June. Register your interest for our next Dialogue Lunch in Auckland on August 10th, and keep an eye out for our second much-anticipated Socrates Seminar in Queenstown later this year, on the Future of Capitalism.

As we embark on these ventures, we invite you to support our mission by joining our supporter's programme,
Te Kãkano, and become an integral part of the change we aim to bring. 


Your participation is what makes Aspen NZ a vibrant, thought-provoking, and influential community to belong to. Thoughtful conversations change society, and your involvement is essential to who we are in a connected world. 


We have a lot to celebrate - thank you for taking part!


Ngā mihi,
Christine and the Aspen NZ team 


NZ - India Dialogue: Charting the Geopolitical Landscape of the Indo Pacific


Welcome to the May edition of 'The Lookout'