Arotake-Raumati - The Summer Review 2022

Welcome to Arotake-Raumati, the Summer Review, where we reflect on our activities over the past six months. 

We are grateful to all of our supporters who have participated in our online seminars, workshops, and stayed connected with us through The Lookout. Here are just a few highlights from the past six months:

  • Eru Lyndon joining the board, Sir Maarten Wever becoming our new Chair to succeed founding Chair Sir Don McKinnon 

  • In Favour of Pure Science report published, a collaboration between the 13 Aspen International Partners

  • Participation of multi-sectoral stakeholders in our seminar on Intergenerational Challenges

    We look forward to an exciting 2023. If you haven't had a chance to participate in an Aspen Institute event, we invite you to join us, to experience the Aspen distinction. Our moderated forums challenge our expert panellists' differing points of view, presenting diverse perspectives and allowing for broad freedom of expression in a civil environment. The audience is not merely there to watch these forums take place, but to participate and meet with the experts. Based on the Aspen Institute's four principles, this formula provides trustworthy content attributed to knowledge, fact and broad perspectives that develop one's understanding of the topic. We hope you'll join us at the Aspen Summer Series and the Future Challenges Series of seminars in February and March next year.


    We wish you all the very best for the holidays!

    Ngā mihi,
    Christine and the Aspen NZ team


Aspen Summer Series Features in Mountain Scene


In Focus: Strengthening Trust